Liquidity Pool & Liquidity Provider of MoonDeFi

2 min readNov 17, 2020


Liquidity Pool & Liquidity Provider

The way that MoonDefi works is using liquidity pools. Basically, they are pools of tokens that are locked in smart contracts. There are enough tokens for you to be able to exchange any of them with one another using Ethereum as a conduit. There’re loads of Ethereum in there, and there’re loads of every kind of token that MoonDefi currently supports.

Moreover, anyone can create a new exchange pair in a new liquidity pool for any token, at any time. Who contribute to the liquidity pool are called Liquidity providers. Anyone can be a liquidity provider by depositing an equivalent value of two tokens in the pool.

Liquidity providers receive a fee from people that are conducting swaps, which is 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool.

About MoonDeFi:

MoonDeFi is a protocol on Ethereum for swapping ERC20 tokens without the need for buyers and sellers to create demand. It does this via an equation that automatically sets and balances the value depending on how much demand there is. Unlike most exchanges that charge fees, MoonDeFi was designed with a very low fee structure.

On MoonDeFi, Traders can exchange Ethereum tokens without having to trust anyone with their money. Users can lend their cryptocurrencies to the liquidity pool and collect a fee. This is done by an equation that automatically determines and balances the value based on actual demand. This is one of the first fully decentralized protocols for automated liquidity provision in the DeFi. There’s no company involved, no KYC, and there’s no person involved that’s mediating things.

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MoonDeFi Contract & token addresses
Contract: 0x765b2d50dE69219A418383F79a4973568d537F90
Token: 0x71924a8d733ae1bbc18d243e1deb56e767440eb6




MoonDeFi is a protocol on Ethereum for swapping ERC20 tokens without the need for buyers and sellers to create demand.